Are You Honest Enough To Admit That the Pace You Drink is Starting to Deteriorate Your Life?
Sometimes we hide the truth behind the effects of alcohol.

This may sound cliché, but the question in the title confronts me with the cold reality of admitting if the pace of life I lead is beginning to derail me.
I am writing this to help you, imaginary friend!
I have the precious gift of having defeated alcoholism for the last eight years.
Since the charm of having fun under the influence of alcohol began in my life, everything seemed to have an innocent face.
I grew up around drinkers, including my family members.
Everything seemed to have a side of fun reserved for responsible adults.
But like everything in life, “what you practice daily is what you become.”
At first, I drank with my friends at parties or times of sharing. But slowly and progressively, it became part of my personality until it began to control my behavior.
In everything I did, alcohol had to be involved. And that is the harsh and sad reality. Alcohol begins to control you under its seductive effects of pleasure.
Our bodies' chemical reaction to alcohol turns into pleasure when drinking and forgetting about the seriousness and responsibilities of life.
Sometimes, we carelessly behave irresponsibly, even more so under the influence of alcohol.
Now, what a tremendous double effort that must be made when carrying the responsibilities of life dragging a chain of alcoholism. Because even if we don't want to accept it, that's what it's called.
I remember having a brilliant boss at work. He fulfilled his responsibility of showing up every morning for his daily tasks, but only he knew what he was dragging.
I say this because he often looked careless with his beard, and his features looked tired, even very early.
Then I discovered that every day after work, he met with trusted colleagues in bars to relax with a few drinks.
But one of them admitted to me that he usually used to accompany him to his apartment because of how drunk he was.
If you look meticulously into the lives of many famous people, you will realize that many have had a battle with alcohol.
Many have lost it by not accepting the seriousness of the matter, and others by not seeking professional help for fear of being discovered.
Everyone pretends one face and hides another. And all so as not to reveal our imperfections and weaknesses.
Look at our dear Matthew Perry. We adored him for his roles on the screens, and his departure breaks our hearts deeply. And it's because many of us identify with him.
Even in secret, we all have our battles.
Let's be honest with ourselves and identify if our habits and pace of life contribute to our self-destruction.
It is something serious that you should not let go unnoticed.
Your health and even your life are at stake.
The reason I am very interested in writing about this is because I suffered a lot from alcoholism.
I don't want you to become another victim.
Think about your loved ones; they could be a great inspiration, and they will thank you. In the end, it is them who suffer more than ourselves.
If you know someone going through emotional problems who lacks control over addictive substances, that person may be on the brink of losing their home and falling into the abyss of homelessness and addictions. Please call a helpline.
We are still in time to redirect our path as humanity.
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